This site is made to support Accessible Design Coordinators in their role with their programs.
1) The Accessible Design Coordinator responsibilities as defined in the assurance
a) There is an handbook that walks you through the assurance.
b) There is a Virtual Class that will be recorded about the Accessible Design Role
2) There is a resource and referral area shared space (that all can use and provide information)
3) There is a course that will inform what Programmatic Accessibility in the Workforce System includes. This self-paced course is broken into four chapters. Each chapter will be followed by a knowledge check, which requires a score of 90% or higher to advance. We begin by defining the purpose and spirit of Americans with Disabilities Act, with a specific focus on Title II. Next, we focus on disability awareness and etiquette designed to help everyone understand responsibilities of how to create and maintain a welcoming environment for people with disabilities. From there we will dive into Section 188 of WIOA to define what Programmatic Accessibility is. Lastly, we wrap up with a review of Title II administrative responsibilities and create an understanding of what needs to be evaluated.
4) There is a Programmatic Toolkit and Evaluation for programs
- Manager: Robin Bauknecht
- Manager: Amanda Brewer
- Manager: Ronnie Lewis
- Manager: Emily Shuman
- Manager: Wendy Sweeney
- Manager: Andrea Winter